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Refurbished Living Room

Property Maintenance

Hardwood Floor Room
Parquet Floor Bathroom

See below for all Property/Home Maintenance options. We offer competitive move out cleaning and repair packages for tenants and sellers, as well as partnership opportunities for landlords and owners. 

Grey Material

What We

Property Maintenance

If you own property, but have no time to maintain repairs, clean between tenants or short term renters, or make on call repairs  Dynamic would be happy to partner with you! Give us a call to discuss options.

Comprehensive Repair and Cleaning Packages

Dynamic offers 4 tiers of repair and cleaning service for tenants, folks getting ready to sell their home and one time or contract based services for property owners. All packages come with an initial walkthrough to identify repairs needed and level of clean desired. Pricing is based on each situation individually.

2. Repair with all surface clean

This is the premium package. We make all small repairs, spot paint, and complete a clean of all surfaces in the home just like out basic plan, but this time we go to the insides of cabinet surfaces, and dust all hanging fixtures/fans. 

4. Repair with deep clean + all appliances and outbuildings

This is the mega package. This package includes all small repairs, spot painting, and clean of all surfaces mentioned in the deluxe package, including insides of all appliances, blow out of dryer vent system (where possible), as well as full clean/wash of all garages/outbuildings on the property. 

Home Repairs

Drywall repair, appliance installation, painting, trim and cabinet repair, custom closet and kitchen shelving systems, and more! Ask us about our home repair services. 

1. Repair with surface clean

This is our basic package. We make all small repairs, spot paint, and complete a clean of all surfaces in the home (floors, counters, bathrooms, doors, exterior cabinets. 

3. Repair with deep clean

This is the deluxe package. It includes all small repairs, spot paint, and completion of everything involved in the premium package, as well as full vent window treatment/blinds dust and clean, clean of all surfaces of appliances, dust/clean of all baseboards and walls.

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